For my graduate practicum, I created online tutorials on academic integrity for Purdue University’s North Central Campus (PNC). The tutorials were designed using data from these needs and learner analyses: surveys, knowledge assessments (short quizzes), interviews, and research on academic integrity in American postsecondary institutions.
For PNC professors, I developed lessons on how to minimize cheating, use technology tools to secure online test-taking, and teach students to maintain integrity. For students, I created lessons on ways to avoid cheating and plagiarism and on steps in citing sources.
Following the Quality Matters standards for online courses, I wrote and built the course content in Blackboard. Each tutorial consisted of about five lessons. The following screen captures are excerpts from each tutorial. (Images open in new tab.)
Tutorial for faculty—screen captures
Tutorial for students—screenshots
Tutorial excerpts in Google Slides
Images used with permission. © Copyright Purdue University Northwest.